
Talk Crispr Medicine Conference

Karyotyping and FISH assays a tool to evaluate the genetic stability of your Cell Therapy products

Don’t miss the talk given by our expert in cytogenetic, Dr Vasileios GEORGOKAKOS at the Crispr Medicine Conference !

During this talk, we will share our decade of experience in evaluating the genetic stability of cell therapy products from their development and into Phase III trials and in preparation to their market authorization using our GMP-validated karyotype and FISH assays.

Indeed, in the last two decades, there has been a bloom in the development of cell-based medicinal products and especially in the immunotherapy field using modified immune cells against disease. During the long development and production cycle of each novel cell therapy product, the critical question is always the same: Is it safe?

Join us on 24th April at 3.50pm to find out more about Karyotyping and FISH assays !

Notre expert :

Vasileios N. Georgakakos (Ph.D) has almost 20 years of experience working on chromosome analysis using the G-banded karyology and FISH assays. He holds a PhD in the cytogenetics of leukemia by the University of Athens medical school. Following a decade of published work in the research field of haematological malignancies, he joined Clean Cells to create and develop the in-house GMP-certified cytogenetics laboratory. Currently, he is the cytogenetics and quality control manager (GMP) manager at Clean Cells.