Virus bank storage

Virus banks are collections of virus strains that are preserved for future use in research, diagnostics, or production of vaccines and other biologics. Proper virus bank storage is essential to ensure the long-term viability and stability of the virus strains. 

Clean Cells provides exclusive long-term virus bank storage services completing virus banking (filling and freezing) solutions that meet both non-GMP and GMP requirements. Part of the biologics storage solutions, they offer a GMP environment for valuable material.

Specifications for virus bank storage and microbial bank storage (-80°C)

Microbial cells, viruses, and bacteriophages demand a distinct type of storage atmosphere facilitated by large-scale freezers that can reach temperatures as low as -80°C. Clean Cells provides customers with the following options for virus bank storage

  • Shared container storage with dedicated boxes or shelves
  • Continuous temperature monitoring  
  • Externalized alarm system with round-the-clock surveillance (on-call system)  
  • Backup freezer for added security of virus bank storage
  • Back-up power generator

Reagents (-20°C, +4°C)

As a supplementary solution to virus bank storage, this storage environment is well-suited for preserving high-quality starting material and reagents or reagents with a short shelf life that are essential to our laboratory work during biomanufacturing.

For more information about our storage capacities, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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